Tax services

AXINTERA is affiliated with the FrenchAssociation of chartered accountants, which means that we meet their high-quality requirements and that we are constantly informed on the latest developments in France. The complicated tax obligations in France are different and very extensive compared to theobligations in other foreign countries. Axintera advises and informs you about the possibilities that apply to your specific tax situation.


Tax services

  • Declaration of operating results
  • Declarations for Corporate taxes
  • Incometaxdeclarations
  • VAT declarations
  • Otherfiscaldeclarationssuch as : CVAE and CFE, taxe d’apprentissage, taxe à la formation continue, taxe sur les véhicules de sociétés, etc.
  • Assistance with tax audits
  • Declaration of wealthtax (impôt de solidarité sur la Fortune)
  • Fiscal advice

At Axintera you can rely on expert services combined with personal support. Get A Quote